Our Vision:

Together As ONE, we cultivate a nurturing and inspiring environment where every individual can achieve and thrive. We ignite a passion for learning while shaping well-rounded, wholesome young people. United as a family, we empower everyone to strive towards becoming the best version of themselves.

Our Mission: Opportunity, Nurture, Empowerment

  • Opportunity for every individual to succeed through inspiring teaching, high expectations, and a supportive environment.
  • Nurturing growth through values-driven education that fosters character, faith, and a love of learning.
  • Empowering our community to excel by providing the tools, skills, and encouragement to achieve and thrive in all aspects of life.

Our Ethos:

Our ethos is deeply rooted in the Sikh principles

We have taken inspiration from these principles to mean:




Through this ethos, we encourage a way of living that embraces unity, integrity, and service.

Our Trust Behaviours: THRIVES project

At ONE Multi Academies Trust, we are guided by four core behaviours that define who we are and how we operate.  They serve as a compass, directing our actions, decisions, and aspirations towards meaningful and impactful outcomes.

  • TRUTH: We stand in Truth
  • HUMILITY: We practice Humility
  • EXCELLENCE: We strive to excel
  • SERVICE: We exist to Serve

These core behaviours are underpinned by three enablers that strengthen and sustain our vision: Resilience, Integrity, and Values.

Together, these elements form a cohesive and dynamic framework that empowers individuals and communities to thrive. Through the THRIVES Project, we invite you to join us on a journey of growth, impact, and shared purpose, as we stand in Truth, practice Humility, strive for Excellence, and exist to Serve.

Faith - The Heart of our Trust

At the heart of the One Multi Academies Trust is our unshakable faith in Sikhi, a universal way of life, which takes guidance and inspiration from the teachings of the Sikh Gurus.

Guru Gobind Singh Ji, the tenth Guru, stated “Manas Ki Jaat Sabhai Ekai Pehchanbo”, meaning, “Recognise the human race as one.” Through this message we aim to serve everyone equally, without bias. This profound teaching underscores our belief that together, we are stronger. By embracing our shared humanity, we celebrate diversity, foster inclusion, and build a brighter future for all.

The principles of Sikhi shape our vision to be unapologetically authentic, whilst still remaining true to the core values of Seva (selfless service), Pyaar (love), and Daya (compassion). By joining our Trust, you will see these universal values embodied in our academies, staff, and students. Regardless of background or belief, our values transcend boundaries, allowing us to empower young minds for generations.